Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm a Runner

I'm a runner. I didn't say I'm always a SMART runner, but I run, nonetheless. Take today. I decide to go running/hiking at our local wildlife center. It was warm, but breezy, so I figured "Eh, it won't be bad if I hydrate well." Sure. I strapped on my hydration pack and hosed myself with bug spray and hit the trail.

Halfway through, it's not too bad and I'm trying to keep myself hydrated. By the end of the run, and all the hills I've climbed, I'm a bit pooped. It's 83 degrees and I should've stopped when I was ahead and had ran close to two miles. But no, I decide to hit the running path next to the road and run another two miles. Now that was STUPID!

I got home and my temples were pounding a cadence similar to a halftime show at a USC game. So, I slammed as much water and ibuprofen as I could. It took me nearly three hours to cool off and for my heart rate to settle down.

Lesson: Quit running in the heat! Had I waited until 7, it was beautiful out and the sunset was awesome.

Yes, I'm a runner and not just a fat one, but a dumb one, sometimes.

Yesterday, I had the honor of participating in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. I, along with several colleagues, walked with a friend and co-worker who is battling cancer. She's a tough cookie, walking the entire 3.1 miles. We've all helplessly watched as our friend is struggling to survive as the cancer has progressed throughout her body. Still, she keeps a good attitude and continues to work, when she can.

I hate cancer. Almost as much, if not on the same level, as diabetes. Cancer took my grandmother's life and has ended the lives of other family and friends. I pray that events like yesterday's will bring about a quick resolution to a terrible disease.

I hope this post finds everyone well. Tell your friends and family, especially runners, to check me out and leave me a comment.

God bless!


1 comment:

USJogger said...

Heat? HEAT? Not a problem here in SW Wisconsin. I have to get back into the habit of checking the weather and deciding on how many layers I need. It's not cold enough to drive me inside, yet.

Jogger (aka BVCC)