It's all over the net. What is it? It's the buzz about "The Perfect Day," as exposed by CNN talk-show host Glenn Beck. I must admit, I never heard of this until watching his show.
I am a conservative and watch Beck's program often. I am also a teacher, which makes me a researcher, by nature. I try not to jump to conclusions and do my best to investigate issues. As an educator, I was alarmed at what I learned from watching the Glenn Beck program.
"The Perfect Day," is a term that describes the time a mass terrorist attack is launched by Al-Queda in the U.S. The principal targets of this attack will be our children and our schools. As demonstrated in the Breslin, Russia attack last year, radicals will use any means necessary to further their cause, even killing innocent children.
I took it upon myself to do an internet search by Googling the phrase, "The Perfect Day." Many counterterrorism watchdog groups are calling for Americans to be on the alert, citing the discovery of evidence pointing to a possible wide-scale attack on schools in America. Such evidence includes stolen school radios, missing school buses in Houston, videos confiscated in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the list goes on and on.
Check it out for yourself by doing a search on the internet and see what you come up with. I don't care what political affiliation you claim, we cannot be lax when it comes to school safety. Even the slightest hint of such atrocities aimed at our children must be taken seriously. I, for one, am going to ask my principal if he has seen or heard any of the story on Glenn Beck and what are our plans at our school to prepare for such an event. I will also present this question to a school board member I know.
As citizens, parents, grandparents, teachers, we must not let this slide. This is a very personal issue as I have one child in high school, another in college, and my wife and I teach in a fairly large school district. It concerns me when I hear there is a real threat to our personal safety at work.
The goal of The Perfect Day, as explained by Bernard Kerik, former NYPD Commissioner and now security consultant, is to create chaos and mass hysteria. The result of this outrage would be the savage retaliation of Americans against Muslim-American citizens, including the bombing and desecration of mosques. The belief by terrorism-watching organizations is that radical Muslims, like Osama Bin Ladin, would use the images of these retaliatory acts as propaganda to further the cause of Al-Queda. Even Glenn Beck said he expected Americans to behave as "animals" in response to seeing our children mass-murdered nationwide.
My call to you is this, my friends: Preparation is not paranoia. There will be some, myself included, that will branded as paranoid nuts. But, can we really afford to not be ready in the event this does happen? To do that is to live as we did on September 10th. Because 24 hours later, our world changed forever. The next 9-11 is out there. It's waiting like a championship boxer for us to drop our hands. Only these guys have no mercy and hit below the belt.
Approach your local school administration and ask them the tough questions that need to be raised. Attend a school board meeting and get this issue on the agenda. Talk to local government officials and law enforcement about what plans they have to combat something like this. And above all, pray to God we never have to face such a tragedy as this.
With diligence, strength, and courage we can stop "The Perfect Day" before it ever happens. Every day should be a perfect day for our kids. Let's guarantee it stays that way.
God bless you all with safe lives.
Ever Forward!!!
The Fat Runner
Fear mongering is the technique used by those who would lead us down the road to tyranny. The more scared you are, the more you are willing to give up your freedom to let Big Brother protect you. You let them take control of your children to make them "safer" or allow your phone to be tapped to make sure you're not a terrorist. The spreading of the rumor of a purported "Perfect Day" attack causes chaos and mass hysteria without the terrorists having to do a thing. The terrorists have won if we live in fear and the tyrants have won if we allow them to take our freedom to "protect" us.
I believe if we are prepared for such events, then we can avert another 9-11. I'm not advocating paranoia. Quite contrary. All I'm saying is we need to be proactive and stay alert. That will keep us from playing Monday morning quarterback and all the shoulda, woulda, coulda's afterward.
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