Sunday, December 30, 2007

Practice Safe Blogging

Have any of you ever clicked on the "Next Blog" link at the top of your page? Well I did and Holy Cow! I started checking out some other blog sites and it was cool, at first. After about the 5th or 6th click a porn site came up and it was horrible. I couldn't believe it.

I thought maybe this was just a hazard of the internet and maybe it was just a random thing. So, I kept browsing and clicking and another porn site, masked as a blog page, blasted across the screen.

Has anyone else experienced this? I wonder, and I'm being naive, if the creators of this blogging network knows this is happening. If so, it's wrong and shouldn't be allowed to happen.

I hope you all practice safe blogging as you venture into the cyberworld, sharing your thoughts and ideas on the world-wide web.

Good luck to you all and I'll talk to you before the new year.



Steven Rigney said...

I've experienced this on enough occasions to have learned not to do that anymore. I can't allow myself the enjoyment of finding a new blog randomly, because of the fear of finding the porn sites.

The Fat Runner said...

Yes, I agree. I've just started searching by name. It's too bad because there are so many quality blogs out there.

If anyone else reads this, please beware that random searching will lead to something no one should watch.