Tuesday, February 12, 2008

If a Tree Falls...

Or, if a blog is written and no one reads it, was it really written? Profound, huh? I've decided I'll keep blogging even if not very many people read them. My mom loves me and that's all that counts.

I ran today and it felt like my legs had pit bulls strapped to them. It was colder than I originally anticipated so that slowed me down a little. I'm not really training for anything so I don't know if the mileage I'm logging is classified as "junk miles," or what. They don't feel like junk to me, although my legs did today.

Switching gears, I think I've decided to start pursuing my dreams, slowly and incrementally. I have been an artist all my life and I teach middle school art. I don't passionately work on artistic projects around the house like my colleague does. With so many friends telling me I need to seriously get after the gift from God I've received, I think it's time I follow their advice. There's no way I could make a living painting, but at least I can do a few paintings here and there and hopefully get some gallery showings around town. So, this summer, I'm going to clear an area in my garage as a makeshift studio, invest in a new easel and quality supplies, and get busy.

Here's my random walk in the park of the day. Today in Careers class, I told my eighth graders I firmly believe I'm teaching the next President of the United States, the next Governor of Texas, next business leader, banker, lawyer, nurse, doctor. But I know I'm teaching the next husband and wife and the next mother and father. I told them if I fail in teaching the latter the former won't matter to me at all. The lesson was on personal and professional priorities. My professional priority, as an educator, is to teach my kids to be the best young men and women they can be. I'm training my students to be good citizens, not to fill a seat and answer some questions. I'd rather they pass the test of life and not the state assessment. For Jesus said, "Come and I'll make you fishers of men." That's my job, to help my students be fishermen in order to feed themselves, their families, and their community.

Another random comment. I can't wait to start wearing Depends. Just think...I'd never have to get off the couch during the Super Bowl again. Food for thought.

That's my confession o' the day...what's yours?


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