Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Let Him Without Sin

A couple of posts ago I sang the praises of Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska and now Vice Presidential candidate. Nothing has changed my opinion of her. In fact, the recent news of her 17-year old daughter's out-of-wedlock pregnancy, and Palin's response to it has increased my fondness for her.

As a father, I can only imagine what Mrs. Palin and her husband are experiencing. My guess is they are confident and brave on the outside and crying and devastated on the inside. If one of my daughters were to come home with similar news I'd be crushed. I would be disappointed and probably blame myself for not being a better parent. Well, no matter what we do as parents our kids have brains, albeit small ones sometimes, and they make their own decisions. That is not a reflection of our parenting skills. This 17-year old made the wrong decision and now must face the consequences. I applaud Governor Palin for holding her daughter accountable by ensuring she has the baby and will raise it in the best possible environment she can provide.

I have listened to Democratic pundits on some of the major news networks slam Palin for this recent news. Let him without sin cast the first stone. By the grace of God none of us have kids that became pregnant as the result of poor decision-making. I was no angel as a teen and my guess is most of these so-called "strategists" aren't either.

I believe this latest revelation will do more to help the McCain-Palin ticket than hurt it. It shows all too well the humanness of a public figure and how we are all vulnerable as parents. We can only do our best and then trust our children will do the right thing. Sometimes they don't and they end up pregnant, getting someone pregnant, or worse...dead.

Yes, I'm a Republican, but I'd feel the same way if Chelsea Clinton had gotten pregnant back when Bill was in office. It wouldn't show Bill and Hillary as any better or worse as parents. The fact remains it is a decision that stings even the toughest of families.

So, before you pass judgment on the Palin family, or any others facing similar circumstances, remember we are sinners and make mistakes. In God's eyes, sin is sin. Cut Palin some slack and look past her smiling face and put yourself in her brokenhearted shoes.



USJogger said...

Well, I'm not a Republican, but I totally agree. Keep the family out of it. Agree or disagree with Palen on the issues, but don't get involved in her family business.

The Fat Runner said...

Thanks for your comment. I think Palin is a strong woman and I applaud her for being a strong family woman.