Sunday, February 10, 2008

Old Friends

It's been a while since my last post. I started questioning whether my blog mattered to anyone, especially me. Well, tonight my question was answered. I received a phone call from someone I haven't heard from in a more than a dozen years. When I walked in this evening, my oldest daughter said, "You got a phone call from someone from Roswell." Now, I grew up in Roswell and had a best friend there and his two sisters that were like my own family. So, I instantly grew reticent to return the call as I feared I was about to hear some grave news.

A little background information is needed before I proceed. My best friend of many years, Paul, and I had a falling out at my own hands about 12-13 years ago. It was my fault--period. The last time I talked to his sisters was back when I lived in New Mexico. Those girls, both near my age, were very special to me. I loved them like they were my own sisters, but what they didn't know is I had crushes on them both. So, it was hard to separate the brotherly, I'll kick anyone's butt that messes with them feelings, from genuinely finding them attractive. But, I was a big, fat dork that could barely muster up a complete sentence with girls when I was in high school.

Fast forward to this evening. I checked the caller ID and found the number. With great trepidation I dialed the number. The voice on the other end was immediately recognizable. She said, "Is this Gregg?" I smiled from ear to ear as I asked, "Is this Irene?" Nothing had changed. Here she is 40 and I hadn't spoken to her in what seemed a lifetime and she sounded exactly as I remember. It was like I fell into a time capsule as we began to discuss the events of our lives. It was great. I learned so much about her and her sister. At least no one had died and no animals were harmed or maimed in the making of this film.

We talked for over an hour, but it felt more like 5 minutes. I would still be talking to her right now if I could. I caught up on my best friend and what was going on in his life. She told me both she and Barbara, her sister, were talking about me the other night and wondered if I had a MySpace account. They looked me up and found my site which has a link to this blog. They clicked on my blog link and began reading my posts. It was from that they decided to call me. That's a God thing.

So, my friends, my blog actually matters to someone. Right now, it really matters to me and I'm going to get back to writing regular posts. I hope Irene and Barbara will read this latest post and know how full my heart feels at this moment. You'll never know how incredibly happy you made me this evening and how much I want to see you. You represent a part of my life that is happy and was a lot of fun. You remember the old me when I was fat and yucky and cared little for myself and even less about serving God. But still, we shared some fun times together and I hope we can relive some of those again.

I challenge anyone reading this to pick up the phone and call someone you've lost touch with. Rekindle an old friendship that you thought was lost forever. God's word is filled with do-overs. I got one tonight and so could you.

To Barbara and Irene: you are my sisters and I love you very much. Thank you for remembering me and I thank God he moved you to call me. Let's not make this the last time. Let's make this the start of something special. To everyone out there...God bless you and make the most of your relationships.

That's my joyful confession...what's yours?



Adrienne's Art said...

This is GREAT! I love re-connecting with old friends. I am happy you found yours. Now you just need to call your buddy and patch things up. I'm proud to call you my palette pal! Happy Valentines, BFF!

The Fat Runner said...

But I thought your new play-pretty was your BFF. I will call my old friend as soon as I get his number. I might even travel down to Alienville to see him. Who knows?

Thanks for being my BFF.

Your GF!