Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Merry Hallogiving

Have you been in Wal-Mart lately? If you're anything like me, you've been there in the last hour. What's up with Christmas decorations and holiday music the day after Halloween? I mean, the peanut butter kisses had no sooner gone on clearance when the inflatable Santa rising from the inflatable chimney is blaring "Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow," in the Lawn and Garden department.

It's like Turkey Day doesn't matter anymore. The biggest feasting day of the year is losing its punch. And Wal-Mart isn't the only one making us long for the glitter of Easter in December, there's the house down the street that has icicle lights twinkling beginning LAST WEEK! I'm no Bah Humbug, but I am a traditionalist. Silly me. I like my Santa to show up sometime in the 12th month of the year.

It just seems like all these department stores are pushing the holiday envelope earlier every year. Why wait until Christmas to watch Ralphie shoot his eye out? Why look for the white stuff to celebrate little Kevin's loneliness in his neighborhood dwelling while his parents are freaking in France? Isn't March a better time for fruit cake anyway?

From what I heard the other day, retailers are hitting the panic button in light of all the mortgage crashes and lay-offs that are sure to come before the end of the year. So, let's run those credit card bills up as the sales hit the floor in early November so we can file bankruptcy as we usher in another ball-dropping with the ageless teenager on ABC.

At the risk of sounding like Dennis Miller on crack, I just think Christmas has become as routine as a hot date with your wife of 47 years. But, as a wise man once said, the spirit of Christmas is in your heart, not Bentonville, or the mall, or even up on my neighbor's way-too-early-decorated house. I guess I just needed to rant about something tonight and this was it.

At least I'm not the poor schmoe cashier in weed and feed listening to Bing Crosby ad nauseum when it's 75 degrees outside. It could be worse. It could be Texas Tech's fight song.

That's my rant, er...confession. What's yours?

God bless you and Merry Week Before Turkey Day!!!



Steven Rigney said...

I completely agree. I saw houses decorated and lit up in the days before Halloween. Christmas is no longer a holiday, it's now a season, like Fall or Winter. Congratulations people, you now get the decorations, stress, busy schedule and shopping for months on end. Enjoy yourself.

The Fat Runner said...

No kidding!!! I will be staying at home while all the maniacs fight over a piece of junk toy that will be out of style in three months.

Hang in there and have a great Thanksgiving, Steven!
