Wednesday, July 2, 2008

10 Reasons Running is Better Than Reality TV

My wife is a devotee of reality television. I can't stand it. I find reality TV boorish and completely devoid of any intelligence, much like some parts of the United States. Strangely, a lot of what happens on these stupid programs have filtered into my brain through osmosis, since I sit in the room adjacent our living room while on the computer. I can tell you a little bit about each one my wife watches, from America's Next Top Model to Hell's Kitchen. Isn't Gordon Ramsey the King of Tact?

I've been a runner for nearly a dozen years and pounding the pavement is my "reality." These shows are as far removed from "reality" as I am from actually becoming America's Next Top Model. The following is a list of 10 reasons running is better than reality TV:

10) At the end of my run I don't have three judges telling me how bad my form was.
9) My "catwalk" has cobblestones and is covered with trees.
8) I know I run better than David Hasselhoff can act and I'm not that fast.
7) My runs have never been "a little pitchy, dog."
6) I run to zone out wretched noises like the ones that come from Mary Murphy.
5) Sometimes there are more interesting freaks on the road than on that's reality!
4) There are no running reality shows on Bravo yet.
3) I "make it work" and my legs look good for doing it.
2) Hell's Kitchen is running on a July day in my neighborhood.

and, the number one reason running is better than reality TV...
1) No Simon Cowell!!!

I'm sure there are hundreds more reasons but 10 will have to do.



Steven Rigney said...

My number 1 reason is that it takes me less time to run a mile than it does for them to announce who is sent home.

The Fat Runner said...

Amen! Seacrest would still be trying to build the suspense after we've done our cooldown walk, gotten home, and sat down in front of the set!

Great response, Steven!!!