Thursday, January 3, 2008

I'm Encouraged

It was our first day back at school after an abbreviated Christmas break. That's not the reason I'm encouraged, though. I got some great responses from my fellow bloggers today and that really gets me pumped.

Tom from The Runners' Lounge gave me a shout out earlier and I'm so happy to hear from him. And my friend from the midwest, Steven, chimed in. I really enjoy hearing from you, brother. You guys, and others like you, are the reason I began a blog in the first place. My prayer is this grows into something special.

So, even though I'm tired from being around kiddoes all day, and boy are my spring classes huge, I am completely fired up by reading the comments I received. You have made my day.

Keep those cards and letters coming, boys and girls, and may God bless you with happy blogging and great running!

That's my exhuberant how was your day?


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