Monday, October 22, 2007

I Give Up

After blogging for a couple of months and getting little response, I think it's time to pack it up. My blogging has become an exercise in futility since I only have three regular respondents.

I enjoy sharing my thoughts, but it's like having a high-paying job with lots of benefits. If there's no one to share it with, then it's all for nothing.

Therefore, I must re-examine my blogging to see if I can direct my time toward other efforts. It's not like I spend an enormous amount of time doing this, but it's still time better spent on other ventures.

Good luck to those of you who have sent me comments on my blogs. Perhaps at some other time, I'll resume this if I see some sort of benefit to doing it.

God bless you all and take care.

The Fat Runner


Steven Rigney said...

I think this would be a mistake. You are a good writer and have interesting things to say. Discovery as a blog does not happen overnight. Think of blogging as a running story that you are sharing, when people do discover you, they will have a lot of catching up to do, if you quit, and people discover you later, there will never be a chance for them to really get to know you.

Mrs. Stumbo said...

I just started reading. But if you must...

Adrienne's Art said...

You have ADD ... stick with it awhile, even if it's only every now and then. Hope you took a shower today (LOL). Toodles!