Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Nice "Pat" on the Rear

Maybe I should say "kick in the rear." My Cowboys looked pretty bad near the end of the game today. The Patriots are clearly a superior club, even without audio-visual assistance. Top spy Bill Belichek pretty much had the Boys number.

I guess that's the wisdom that comes from winning three Super Bowls. Even when your team falls behind, there's no need to panic. Mr. GQ,Tom Brady, looked all of his reputation as a man who will cut your heart out.

Needless to say, there were a lot of disappointed Dallas fans in my house this evening, but we'll get over it. Now that this game is out of the way, Dallas can get on with winning the NFC East. Looks like the AFC will have another Super Bowl winner again.

On to other things. My buddy Jason has lost 51 pounds and I'm really proud of him. Having lost 100 pounds before myself, I know this is no easy task and I give him all the props. Hang in there, Dude. It's a tough battle but you'll be glad you fought it. The real challenge is coming in the form of three significant holidays all involving candies, cakes, and goodies. Stay the course and you'll be fine.

My good friend Adrienne wants to know where my rants have gone, well...all I can say is two words...Al Gore. I could rant all night about that guy, but that might waste the precious energy he's so desperately trying to conserve. After all, he did invent global warming.

Now for the lighter side. We are around 11 weeks from Christmas and in the 8th week of school. Time is moving fast and I'm glad. Before long it'll be cold and Thanksgiving will be here. And then, one of my favorite times of year will be here--Bowl Season!

To all my half-dozen, or so, faithful readers, I bid you a great week. Hang in there and give me shout out now and then.

God bless you!!!


1 comment:

Jason said...

Great game wasn't it!