Friday, January 11, 2008

None of the Above

Did any of you happen to catch the debate last night? Have you listened to any of the multitude of mindless candidates that have lined up to run our country (further into the ground)? They are, in a word, unbelievable. No really, you can't believe any of them.

When it comes to politicians, it's six of one, half dozen of the other. For either side to say they have made the economy better or worse is laughable. This snowball called the bureaucracy of the federal government began back when a bunch of powdered-wig wearing, plantation owners got together and put authored a document that would eventually lead to the demise of the very nation they sought to create.

Neither Republicans nor Democrats can take credit or affix blame for the mess we're in. It has been spiraling out of control for over 200 years. And as soon as lawyers/politicians got their ugly mitts on the Constitution and began twisting every word in it for their own good, that pretty much signaled the end of a good thing.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not anti-government. I love my country and would die defending it. What I am is anti-stupid, anti-theft, anti-moron, and anti-liar. I guess you have to be pathological to be a politician to begin with. It helps when you can believe your own lies because at least you don't change expressions while feeding Americans a load of bull so deep we're all choking in it.

Where did common sense go? Thomas Paine, where are you now? I often wonder if our founding fathers were alive today how they would respond to the wretched band of cowards that are festering and oozing in the hallowed halls of Capital Hill. Would Georgie Boy puke all over his riding boots? Would Ben Franklin run out into the thunderstorm, kite in hand, and pray to be hit by lightning? And Thomas Jefferson, would he take solace in the arms of Sally Hemmings, saying "What the hell happened?" Maybe if John Hancock were here to witness this mess he might want his giantic signature back.

Who knows what they would do? They might just join in and give themselves a raise right along with the rest of Washington's finest. Someone needs to design a video game that brings back the Revolutionary War heroes to do battle with today's gutless wimps. Of course, they would be struck down by the evil PAC groups and their war-chests.

So, when I look at what, not who, is running for President I have to wonder if voting is actually going to matter in the grand scheme of things. It's going to take someone that doesn't care if they only serve one term, but damn the torpedoes, things will change for the best. And that is just a dream.

The only way things will change, and I mean the ONLY way, is if the entire political machine is completely dismantled. Could you imagine how the rest of the candidates would gasp in disbelief if just one of these educated fools would stand before Wine Spritzer, or Wolf Blitzer, or whatever his name is and utter that incredulous statement? "If I win, I will begin the process of systematically taking apart the federal government," sayeth the candidate, with conviction. "Today, ladies and gentleman, we begin anew, banishing forever the influences of those that would destroy everything our forefathers and dead warriors fought so gallantly to preserve." "Let the 21st Century be forever known as the age of action, not words, and as my first role as President I order the military home from Iraq to stand watch in the halls of Congress and the front lawn of the White House as we begin the process of change." "This same brigade of brave men and women who have served so well in the debacle in the Middle East will now defend our borders as we the people will say with one voice, 'the real Bank of America is closed until further notice."

Let us have one brave man or woman willing to say that on national TV on CNN (the Clinton News Network) in front of millions of hardworking Americans and that's the person that gets my vote.

Until then, I vote "none of the above." Because none of them deserve the privilege of serving as my President. Not as long as they represent what is wrong with America.

Come clean, tell the truth, and really make an effort to change this country, whether you are running for Congress, President, governor, or mayor. Our country can continue to be a beacon of freedom, respected for the principles that drove its founding, or we can carry on and go nowhere.

I vote "none of the above." What are you going to do?

The following message was paid for by my empty wallet that goes to fund $400 haircuts and supporting people that don't want to work.



Steven Rigney said...

I'll leave out what I'm going to do, but if you have someone get up and say that, then you will have everyone yelling that he/she is a dictator. The government is huge and out of whack, I completely support a smaller government and less taxes, but the path to that is to continue to vote in each and every election at every level for and to continue to push those same beliefs.

The Fat Runner said...

But how do you get people to honestly believe their vote matters? For example, in one of our local elections, less than 10% of the total population of our city voted.

When you see candidates winning, but the electoral college says otherwise, people figure, "Why bother?"

One of the more recent successful examples of voting actually making a difference is when South Dakotans decided to give Tom Daschle the boot.

I realize someone would be called a dictator for slamming the brakes on our government, but what do you call a government that DOES NOT represent its people? These politicians care only for what they can get for themselves and the special interest groups they represent and not the little guy who pays all the taxes.

I used to believe in one voice, one vote, but my gosh, politics in the United States is every man for himself.

I'm tired of being given choices that aren't choices. Democrat or Republican none of them are worth the words that come out of both sides of their faces!