Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Resolutionary War

My feet move steadily, as my breaths are short and precise. I'm on mile three of a four-mile run. I'm in the process of completing an 18-mile week. So far so good in keeping with my New Year's resolution to run more quality mileage.

If I didn't run another mile, it wouldn't matter if I failed in my most important of resolutions--to spend more time with God. 12 days into the year and my wife and I have held firm to reading our Bible together every day. I try to spend my driving time to work every morning in prayer and I've been successful in that venture. I am really enjoying the time I get to spend with my wife as we do our daily Bible study.

I don't know if I've even lost a pound, which really wasn't high on my priority list, but I figure as my mileage increases, I'll lose a little weight. Last week, I came in at 243 lbs. and I feel really good. My stomach hasn't been bugging me nearly as much as it did at the end of 2007, so that's a real plus. Hopefully, I'll drop below 240 before spring break.

Tomorrow, I begin to attack another of my goals and that is to train for a half-marathon. I printed off a training schedule from the Runner's World web site and I'm good to go. As soon as church is over tomorrow morning, I'll hurry home, throw on my running clothes, and head for my favorite running spot to get in a long run.

If you don't know me, you'd probably be surprised to know I run at all. I don't think I look all that bad and I do have runner's legs, but the rest of me leaves something to be desired. If my gut was as tight as my calves I'd be all right. Oh well. I'm the Fat Runner, hoping to be a thinner, more efficient runner in 2008, and I won't worry too much about the way I am. God loves me and that's what really counts.

I hope you're hanging in there with your resolutions. If you like to read my blog, please hold me accountable, particularly where God is concerned. Like David, I desperately want to be "a man after God's own heart." If I can do that, then my relationship with my wife, kids, friends, and co-workers will prosper.

That's my continued resolutory confession...what's yours?

God bless you as we move into the year!


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