Hey Y'all,
Let's talk running. My favorite running time is approaching--fall. I just love fall and the dramatic changes it brings in temperature and scenery.
Being the fat and studly runner I am, I really appreciate the coolness of fall. I really like riding my bike in the heat of summer, but I have to wait until late evening to run. No, I'm not a morning runner! The last thing I want to do first thing in the morning is run.
Since I broached the morning subject, what are your thoughts on caffeine, particularly coffee, and the debate on whether it enhances performance? I don't know about all that, but I am a devout coffee drinker. The coffee shop is usually where I wind up after finishing a run.
So, you now have two things to discuss: (1) What's your favorite time of year to run and (2) Are you a coffee drinker and does that affect your running?
Write me and let's talk. My blog has been off to a slow start, but I hope to get better at it and learn new ways to get my word out there.
After starting my blog site, I have been praying God will open a door for me. I want to write for my living. It is my passion, along with my family, my faith, and my friends, and of course--running.
If you have ideas as to how I can get into a writing career please let me know (hey, topic 3).
God bless you all with great running and living.
Ever forward!!!
I love springtime. The start of baseball and the smell in the air, I love to run in the crisp morning air.
I'm a caffeine drinker, but I prefer Diet Soda over coffee.
As for growing a blog, keep writing good content and commenting on other people's sites. But stick with it. Blogging doesn't take off in a week or two, it can be months or years before you grow to a decent consistent audience.
I have tagged you for the "What's in a name" meme. Stop by my blog and see the rules.
Hey Steve,
You are the blogging man! I will work on my tags when I get home from church this evening. I appreciate your advice on blogging. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Baseball is THE sport and I hope to visit your city someday.
Hang in there, my running friend!
Fall is the greatest...it means football is here! It means nascar is in it home stretch. It means its time for the world series. It means christmas is right around the corner! I love it!!!! I love the cool air and hearing the ahs band play when I walk outside my house.
As far as your second question...I love coffee but I would not say I am an addict. I think it is the smell that I most enjoy! I think I will head to starbucks now!
Love you my friend...kw
I couldn't agree with you more, except I don't understand NASCAR.
I can't wait for football, either. It won't be long.
Love you Dude!
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