Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Tomorrow's Topic--Running and Riding Gear!

My buddy Jason just sent me a great comment. He's a big guy and I've proudly watched him faithfully hitting the machines at the gym. He works out hard and is trying to lose weight. Please look at his comment if you have time.

His response prompted me to do some thinking. I've ran and ridden for many years now, so I should be able to comment on running gear, bikes, etc. So, tomorrow, I'll review some of the shoes I've tried and been successful wearing as a larger runner and we'll discuss some bikes I like for people over 200 lbs.

Every day I'll try to share some nuggets that will hopefully help you as you strive to be a better person in God, as well as a runner and rider.

If I can save you some money and time shopping for stuff, then that's the plan. If something is said on this site that brings you closer to Christ, then that's REALLY the plan!

I hope you will browse my site and make it a regular place to visit each day. I'll do my best to keep fresh posts coming every morning.

This isn't the place for politics, just for sharing our lives together.

Be safe, God bless, and ever forward!!!

--The Fat Runner


Steven Rigney said...

Thanks for your comment on my exercise blog. I've migrated all of my running exercise blogs to SparkPeople where I'm registered and trying to lose weight. I'm a clydesdale too and understand how tough that can be.

The Dodgers got a good team this year. Penny is doing awesome, and I love Garciapara. It's too bad that Drew jumped ship last year, keeping him would have been awesome for the Dodgers.

Steven Rigney said...

BTW - I hate the template, it's hard to read the dark font on the darker background.

The Fat Runner said...

Sorry for the template. I'm a relative newcomer to the blogging game. As I learn about all this stuff I hope to make a better site.

Thanks for your comments, Steve. Good luck on the weight loss and happy running!!!