Saturday, November 3, 2007

Is Running Really Safe?

If you keep up with running news, today was a sad and shocking day in the world of our sport. Ryan Shay, a U.S. Olympic marathon hopeful, died while running in the trials today. This comes on the heels of runners going down in the heat of the Chicago Marathon, with one man dying. Also, former Boston Marathon winner and Nike coach Alberto Salazar fell victim to a heart attack while trotting to the track to begin working out his team. Fortunately for Mr. Salazar he survived.

This all got me to thinking--is running really safe? I mean, you have to wonder when you hear about world-class athletes dropping dead during a run. By no means am I an elite runner, but I do run. I weigh 241 pounds and lift weights 3 times a week. I consider myself in fairly decent shape, but is my click ticking?

So many of these runners that have died while engaging in their sport have been found to have some sort of heart defect or genetic predisposition to heart disease. Irregular heart rhythms run in my family on my mom's side. I, too, have had irregular heart beats from time to time, which I have read is fairly common. Still, maybe it is time for me to have a checkup.

I'm not a big fan of going to the doctor. Last year, I experienced a bacterial stomach infection that had to drive me to the floor before I finally acquiesced and with to the emergency room. So when I read about runners like Shay and Salazar I'm thinking now is the time to do a little preventive medicine.

With my family's propensity for hospital visits (my youngest is back in the hospital right now as I type this), I don't want to be careless and be the latest casualty.

I'd like to know what you all think. I just wish we had more people reading my blog because I'd love to open this for discussion. If you run and are reading this, would you tell me what you think about my question?

I pray Ryan Shay's death isn't connected to anything wrongful. Runner's World magazine stated, "within hours of Shay's death the rumors were already swirling." That aside, it's just tragic a young man of 28, and a newlywed, lost his life.

I want to be healthy and run for many years to come. I'd like to be in my 60's, like my friend Ted, and still have the legs to run and kick my grandchildren's butts.

Let me know what you think. I'd love to hear from you.

God bless you with great running!



Jason said...

Time for a check up!
I have been going every 2-3 months since last year while trying/succeeding in losing weight. Hopefully something doesn't get missed, but at least I am doing my part by going to the doc. Oh yeah, I hate going to the doctor! It's worth it for peace of mind though.

Steven Rigney said...

I think like everything else, in moderation running is safe. Ibuprofen is safe, until you take two bottles of it. Elite runners know their bodies better than anyone and should understand what they can take. I haven't seen any results yet, but I'm guessing Ryan Shay just finally pushed too far.

The death is Chicago was also tragic. That guy was running to be healthy while knowing about his heart condition.

Personally, I run for fitness. I run for perceived effort more than time. If I feel I'm running too hard I slow down. I don't want those things to happen to me, I would much rather run for a long time than die running.

If I had an existing condition, I would probably still run, but slower. I love running enough that I don't think I can give it up until I'm forced to, but I love my life more, and the choice is clear.

The Fat Runner said...

I am notoriously bad about going to the doctor for anything. When I did go last year he screwed up my diagnosis which makes me even more stubborn.

I agree with Jason, it's good to have a check-up just for the peace of mind it brings.

Steven, I couldn't agree with you more. Some people just have to push way beyond their limitations.

I, like you, run because I love running and I want to stay in shape. If I feel like I'm pushing it too hard, I back off and slow it down. The only person I'm competing with is me. At this stage in my life, I don't really check my watch all that much anymore while running. I just get out there and run because I absolutely enjoy it.

I get concerned when I think it's possible to croak while doing something I love, but what better way to go?

Keep those comments coming. I love them!