Friday, August 10, 2007

Four Score and 22 Years Ago

Well, 22 years ago today, at least, I married the best woman in the world. My wife has been my rock. She's my best friend who isn't afraid to use a well-placed foot when I need it, but can comfort me like no other in my darkest moments. She and I have been to hell and back, stared death in the face together, and lived to laugh about it.

My girls--Angela, Alicia, and Melissa-- are the reasons I run and try to stay in shape. I want to live a long, full life with them. It's my job to protect them and I can't effectively do that if I'm weak and sick. So, I trudge along and log miles and lift weights in hopes of living longer so I can be strong when they're weak.

One thing I have learned in life is no matter how tough or strong I may be, I'm still a human--vulnerable, weak, and prone to temptation. As much as I may try not to admit it, and all guys do this, it doesn't take much to remind me how fragile I am. One illness, a slight injury and WHAM, I'm instantly shown I'm not the tough dude I like to portray.

22 years have brought me little fame and much humility. The only pride I have is in the knowledge I get to walk next to my wonderful, loving wife who hasn't kicked me out yet. I pray I get 22 more years with her, at least. I realize she's on loan from God and I do my best to never look that in the mouth.

So, I will keep running and exercising and doing my best to be the man my family needs me to be. The first and best exercise any of us can do is deep knee bends that bring us closer to God. This morning, as I type this, I will finish with a prayer of thanks to my Father who has given me more than I ever dreamed--a great wife, two awesome kids, and friends I wouldn't trade for anything.

God bless and Ever Forward!



Adrienne's Art said...

gregg, this is SO SWEET! love your blog, i'm still trying to get one up and running ... i'm a slow learner i guess. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Your friend, Adrienne

The Fat Runner said...

Now I see it! Thanks for the comment. Our anniversary was great. We watched "No Reservations" and it was a really good movie, for a chick-flick.

I love your blog site too!!!
