Thursday, August 23, 2007

Prank Phone Calls and The Last Laugh

My phone rang at 2:50 this morning, waking me from a sound sleep. It reminds of a time a few years back when we were getting two or three calls a night for almost a week. Well, I finally got fed up with the callers.

Did you know there's this cool little thing the phone company can do to trace a call? I found that out after calling them to complain. Well, they traced the call and sent the number to our local police department. One of my friends is a cop and he went and got the number. He, along with a juvenile detective, went to the person's home, which turned out to be someone in my daughter's class. Long story short, they hauled these two kids into the police station and we filed charges on them. Guess what happened then? The families had to pay a pretty big fine when they had a meeting with a prosecutor. Oh, and the phone company took away their phone use.

Can you imagine that? Well, guess what? It's about to happen again to the person or persons who just called my house. Hey, and I know you read this blog site because of something you said. Not real smart.

So, get ready. The next knock you hear at your door just might be a police officer, who just happens to be my friend. And this time I think I'll see if I can come with him.

I am not afraid of anyone. I will press charges and I will see you in court. Try me and find out. Start watching over your shoulder because the cops are coming. You can count on that because I've already called the phone company and they are tracing your number.

What's that sound? Could it be fear? I just hope your parents aren't going to miss their phone that much.

Good luck to you and I WILL be seeing you soon!


1 comment:

Jason said...

Greg, I sure am glad I'm leaving town in the morning! You can't catch me! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA---------------Oh wait---it wasn't me! Yippee, I'm freeeeeeeeeeee!
Good luck catching the criminal, wish I would have known this awhile back.