Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Welcome to Confessions of a Fat Runner

Welcome, fellow runners! I started this site as a way to connect with others who like to run, but also may be struggling with areas of their lives, like I do. As a Christian, I wrestle daily with life issues and stress. Running has a been an outlet for me to relieve stress and stay in shape. First, let me introduce myself so we can get better acquainted.

By the end of Spring 1997, I weighed 305 lbs. We all bought bikes for our family and set out to ride one day. I couldn't keep up with my kids, who were pretty small then. I huffed and puffed for a long, two-mile stretch and was absolutely disgusted with myself. I always fancied myself a better than average athlete, playing football and baseball in high school, but now I was a heart attack looking for a place to happen. That spring day changed my life.

I became determined to ride my bike more confidently and lose weight. So, every day I rode. 2 miles, 5, 6, 10. Before the summer was over I was riding over 25 miles in one shot and had lost nearly 40 lbs. When I returned to work that fall, no one could believe it. I weighed 260. Still, that was not enough, so I kept churning those pedals, and deprived myself of the foods I craved. By February 1998, I had lost 100 lbs. My friends were concerned I had lost too much, too quickly, which, in retrospect, I probably did. Yet, I went from a size 50 pant to a 38. None of my clothes fit.

What does this have to do with running? Well, one day, my best friend, a runner, took me out to a local park for a run one day. I didn't think I could run. Riding was natural and something I had done since I was knee-high, but running? No way! We started slow and made a lap around the park, taking in its beauty and talking as we ran. One mile became two and before I knew it, I ran 5 miles! I was so excited I went straight out and bought a brand new pair of running shoes and started mixing running with my bike rides.

Running became a way of life for me and now, here I am. I'm 43 years old, have completed a marathon and last year I did the impossible. As you may have noticed in my profile, my youngest daughter is a type-1 diabetic. I came up with the crazy notion I could do something to raise awareness if it was really radical. So, last November, I ran/walked 50 miles in one day down the I-40 access road and into town. It was quite a spectacle. It was definitely something I'll never forget.

The lesson is this: First, run with God and run after him. Second, if you're not perfect, so what? You can still run, or ride and get into shape. I weigh 240 right now and will do a 4-miler this evening before heading to my favorite coffee hangout.

I hope you'll frequent my blog site and confess a few of your struggles, or your favorite runs. I want to share my life with you and I hope you'll do the same.

That's my confession--what's yours?

God bless and Ever Forward!!!

--The Fat Runner

1 comment:

Jason said...

Okay, you started it so I'll chime in. First of all, I will introduce myself to others who read here, I am Jason McBride and work at a children's home as a houseparent. When I took this type of job 5 years ago I had never weighed over 250 lbs, but I had always been big. Since that time I have seen 330 lbs and was at my highest weight two years ago. June 1st of this year I was back up to 315lbs after dropping my workout routine for a month. Back to the gym and I am down to 282 lbs, my lowest in 4 1/2 years. I am continuing to lose and have a ways to go.
Greg, I routinely run into you at the gym and I have to say it is a motivation to me to see someone who isn't 180 lbs in there working out consistently. I continue to struggle with motivation for a healthier me and the only thing that makes me continue is the limitations that my weight puts on me. I like to hunt and by losing weight it is even more enjoyable. Hiking at 12,000' in Colorado will let you know how out of shape you are and I am tired of it kicking my butt!
After our conversation about a bike, I have been looking. Can't wait to get back out there on a bike and see how I can improve.
Also can't wait for school to start again and give me some more freetime.
See ya' at the gym!