Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sometimes I think, Sometimes I run

Running is just plain weird. Some days, you feel like you're fast and light on your feet. On others, your legs feel like wet cement. And then there are those in-between days where you just aren't sure you even want to run at all.

Today, I felt really good. I did a short two-mile loop and ran quick and light. I rarely get below a 10-minute per mile pace anymore, but this evening I broke 9:30. Even my knees felt better, for some reason. Usually, my left knee feels like it has gravel in it so for me to run this fast and not hurt is great.

I don't know what kinds of runs you do--whether they are tempo, endurance, or just long and slow with no purpose. I break mine into funky little categories.

Thinking Runs: This is where I run because I have something I my mind I need to work out. Sometimes I do lesson planning while I run, or maybe it's to solve a dilemma I'm facing.

Butt-busters: I hop on the treadmill and all but kill myself. There's no way I could sustain a sub-8 minute pace on the road, so I do my real, serious cardio stuff in the gym. Hence the name.

No-brainers: I've got my iPod on, listening to some Pat Benatar or Smashmouth and off I go. Nothing on my mind, no agendas...just me and the road and my slow pace.

Prayer Runs: This, without question, is my most meaningful workout. I run and talk to God. I run after God and to God. This is where I get to spend my quality time with my Father. I get more accomplished during this type of run than any other.

I confess I'll always love the prayer runs the best. Just me and God and Mother Nature.

I told you running is weird. Runners are even more weird than that.

That's my confession. What's yours? Write me. Not many of you are. I really do want to hear from you!

God bless and Ever Forward!



Jason said...

Greg, I know what you mean about categorizing your runs, I do the same thing with my workouts. Although i switch to different machines every 15-20 minutes at the gym, I think I stay more focused on working out problems when there. When I am outside, my mind wanders a lot, I spend a lot of time asking God questions like "what were you thinking making texas so flat?" LOL! I know, we already had the discussion about Amarillo not being flat, but you still can't call an overpass a mountain!
Hope to see you soon at the gym.
On the bike issue, do you ride an 18"? That was all they had at Hills'.

The Fat Runner said...


I'm going to get you out there on a bike and show you some hills--LOL!

My Trek is a 19.5". I know they had some bigger bikes when I bought mine.

Hope you find what you're looking for.

Talk to you soon!
